New Family Enrollment Information
Enrollment for new students to the Festus R-VI School District is open year-round.
Online Registration - New Families
New families to the Festus R-VI School District may begin online registration here. It is best to use a computer or a web browser on your mobile device. This link only works for new families to the District. New families must also provide proof of residency during the online registration process. Proof of residency documents may include:
- a recent utility bill with the service address and due date visible
- mortgage papers with name, address and due date visible
- rental agreement with name, address and agreement date visible
- previous year's real estate tax statement with paid date visible.
Complete the first page to get started. You will be sent an email to confirm your identity.
Go to your email and click on the link at the bottom of the page to begin the online registration process.

After clicking the link you will be directed to this page to type in your name to verify your identity again.

After entering your name, you will be directed to this instruction page. Click "Begin" to get started.

Begin filling out each form. You cannot access the next one down until you enter your information in the section you are in. For instance you must enter a phone number and click "next" before you can enter your home address. That section must be completed and you hit "next" before moving to the mailing address, and so on. Once you have completed all of the sections under a particular heading hit "Save/Continue" to move to the next heading. There are places inside registration to upload the required forms; ie: driver's license, proof of residency, custody/court papers, medical information, etc.

Once you have completed all of the sections and you have uploaded all of the required documents, you will see all of the headers turn green with a check mark. Hit "Submit" to compete your new student online registration.

Any questions about enrollment can be directed to Nicole Gurnow at